The Games Press
Chris Bratt interviews interesting people from around the games media about how they do their work. Support this show on Patreon!
The Games Press
Episode 2: Patricia Hernandez (Editor-in-Chief at Kotaku)
People Make Games
Patricia Hernandez is the new Editor-in-Chief of Kotaku, having now returned to the site after beginning her career there some ten years ago.
"I think, in some senses, it's not just an ambitious idea, it's how do I make this hard, ambitious idea happen while also giving my writers a realistic workload that does not have video games just completely taking over their life? And I think it's especially a concern of mine, because early on in my career I feel I was able to get ahead as much as I did because I basically gave away my life to games and it's worked out for me, but I don't want to see that for other people."